Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day of my Birth (My Thoughts, Unedited)

It’s my birthday. My golden birthday. And actually (I did not plan this) it’s around the time I was born as well. I’m in a strange country. A strange country that is now my home.

Do you believe that when we are born, we have a destiny that we are meant to fulfill? I’m not sure if I do. But if I did believe that God makes us with a specific plan in mind for us, then I would also have to believe that I am living it out right now. That I am fulfilling my destiny so far.

I have made mistakes in my life. I don’t think I regret them. I would not be a whole person without them. I would not be who I am now. And I like who I am. But I wonder.

Life overwhelms. It is fierce. It surprises and attacks.

Yesterday, I tried to order new Polaroid film but the internet was slow and now prices have gone up.

Today, I watched a young boy play a little guitar. He has just begun to learn. Will he still play when he is my age?

Slow days become whole of your summer. Then summer is over and you are leaving home once again. Wondering about summer loves, friends, and plans. Wondering if you have regret.

Seeds become mighty trees and the young replace the old. Only a few mourn. Only a few see it. Am I getting too cliché? Is not the cliché that which is so true that everyone recognizes it?

I look at life and know that it is short. I am not invincible simply because I am young. Is it not but a moment that we are here?

I wish that I could see it, I wish that the knowledge of it could change me. But I am too human.

I pray that I use my life wisely. I wonder if there are things that I am missing. I rejoice at where I am and know that my future is good. Because whatever my future holds, He carries me.

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