Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Beautiful Things, the Lovely Reminders of Our God.

A friend asked if I would write a "listing of amazing things to think about...things that are as St. Paul says, true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. Anything that would fit into the above category would be greatly appreciated." This was the list that I wrote. I normally like to intersperse my "cheap" blogs, lots of white space and little writing, with solid blogs. But here it is.

A listing of amazing things:

that moment when the challenge is the closest to you, and you do not give in.

the speed of a hummingbird’s wings as it hovers in the air.

long morning shadows reaching across a road.

God’s laughter at our wonder.

the songs of birds at three in the morning when we can only know the sun is coming by faith in His faithfulness for the darkness still remains, yet they sing.

catching a child’s eye and making them smile.

when the wind brushes our cheek in the heat of the day, reminding us that we cannot see where the Spirit comes from or where it is going.

the orchestra of our actions in harmony with God’s.

when one soul silently bows to the wishes of another without the slightest outward hint of the internal sacrifice.

diving into blue water on a hot day.

knowing that we rest in between His shoulders, next to His heart.

moments when we see that God knows and does not forget all the pain.

hearing a street musician play the most beautiful music in the world

(like this… Or this…

the unashamed, undiluted joy of a child when he does something well.

lying down on a bed after a full day of work with your hands.

the view of the universe through a telescope as we watch every star, named by Him, dance the dance He created for them and we see that He is unlimited in His works

(search “star systems and galaxies” in Google pictures).

the music of rain lulling you to sleep at night.

the angels of the Most High standing guard over you as you rest and the song of His love over you in the night.

His hand in the accidental meeting which turn into grand friendship.

realizing that His love is greater than all these things.

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