Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 4 - God with Us

Emmanuel, God with us. How could it be that You would come to earth, that Yahweh, the Great I Am, would become a man? How could it be that You would love us? I don’t understand it, but help me to accept Your love. To know Your Father heart protecting me and Your Mother heart comforting me. Help me to accept the fact that You love me completely, utterly, without limits, without conditions. Widen my understanding that I may know the height and depth and width and length of Your love. Give me a new revelation of You, of who You are, of Your heart for me, for Your bride. Give me eyes to see Your bride with even just a taste of Your heart for her.

I still have so far to go, so much to learn. How thankful I am, Father, that I do not have to do it! How thankful that my journey doesn’t depend on my strength and my ability. You have made me whole; You have made me pure. You have shattered the chains holding me down and put back together the heart that was shattered. All glory and honor and glory and praise be unto You, oh Lord my God, who redeems the children of men.